HELP!! SVr2 grow filesystem panic!!

Curtis Jackson rcj at burl.UUCP
Tue Aug 27 14:39:15 AEST 1985

Firstly:  We are running SysVr2 on a Vax 11/780 with 4meg of memory
and a process size limit of 2meg.

My news filesystem is running out of space, so I decided to move it
and double its size.  I tried volcopy, forgetting that no matter what
size you make the new (larger) filesystem as your destination, volcopy
kicks its size back down to that of the 'from' filesystem.

Next, I mounted both the new and old filesystems.  (I also fsck'd them
prior to mounting and they were clean.)  I tried to 'cpio -p' from
one to the other.  No dice; cpio gave me "Too many links" and, contrary
to the man page which says that it will just forget about links at
that point, it scrogged the new fs totally.  I tried this twice.

Next, I noticed that dcopy(1M) will take an fs size and inode list size
as arguments.  GREAT!!  I dcopy from the old fs (raw) to the new fs (block)
with both unmounted.  It gets through with phase 1 OK, then tries to
work on inums for directories.  "dcopy:  Can't get mem for directories"
or some such rot, and IT quits.

Now what do I do?  I came up with 3 possibles, but it has been an awful
long day and I refuse to try either one until at least tomorrow:

1) If I run dcopy in single-user mode, will that override the per-process
size limit of 2 meg and allow it to get more memory?

2) If I use the '-d' switch on dcopy (leaves subdirectories where they
are rather than moving them to the front of their parents), does anyone
think there is a snowball's chance that it will go ahead and finish

3) It doesn't matter what I do, because the computer is out to get me.
If that is so, and it was cocky enough to send out this request for help
anyway (you are reading this, aren't you?) then I'm in BIG TROUBLE.

Thanks very much in advance for any light you may shed on this,

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