help with uupath and sendmail

Jeff Glass jjg at security.UUCP
Thu Aug 22 04:13:10 AEST 1985

Will someone please tell me how uupath is used?  I have been told
that sendmail can call uupath, but I see no way to do this in the
config file.

have:	4.2bsd on VAX running sendmail.
	pathalias, makedb, uupath compiled.

want:	details on what/how calls uupath.
		(e.g.  if sendmail calls uupath, need changes to

reply via mail.  thanks/jeff
  security!jjg at mitre-bedford.ARPA				(MIL)
 {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!jjg	(UUCP)

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