Panic: trap 9, protection fault

Dan Tappan Tappan at BBNG.ARPA
Fri Aug 16 03:58:24 AEST 1985

One of our vaxen, a 785, has been crashing on and off with protection
fault panics - recently the crash rate has gotten high enough to make
the machine almost unusable.

>From looking at the crash dumps the general scenario seems to be this:

	Either Copyin or Copyout is called (from uiomove) with
	a buffer and length in system space which runs right up
	to (but does not overlap) a non-existant page (PTE 0).
	For example it might be called with address 8032ab00,
	length 400 where 8032ab00-8032aeff exist, but 8032af00
	is a non-existant page). The fault occurs on the movc3
	instruction (either to or from the buffer depending
	on Copyin or Copyout) with the failing virtual address
	being the first byte of the non-existant page (8032af00
	in the example above).

According to the documentation on movc3 it will return with R1 (R3)
pointing one byte beyond the end of the source (destination) string.
This is, of course, the failing address.

My question is : is movc3 supposed to actually reference that byte? If
so, are we missing some patch that would prevent Copyin (Copyout) from
doing movc3's next to non-existant pages? If not, is this evidence
that our hardware is busted?


(Note, I've seen the recent discussion on 'protection fault's caused
by PROBE instructions next to page boundries - this is not that).


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