
Joseph S. D. Yao jsdy at hadron.UUCP
Mon Dec 30 06:48:07 AEST 1985

In article <144 at hadron.UUCP> I (jsdy at hadron.UUCP (Joseph S. D. Yao)) write:
>'Way back on 3 December, a net.os showed up on our machine.
>	...
>Incidentally, exactly one piece of news has come through ...

Several folk have written to inform me that it was a fake.  The one
piece of "news" is a decidedly non-technical piece of doggeral; but
it claims to be from a person under compulsion at lll-crg, which is
in Livermore CA and not at all local to here.  It must therefore be
a widespread fake.  I can believe that.

	Joe Yao		hadron!jsdy at seismo.{CSS.GOV,ARPA,UUCP}

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