DR11-W driver needed (Ultrix)

Hurf Sheldon hurf at lasspvax.UUCP
Tue Dec 24 00:27:55 AEST 1985

Posted letter to Steve Holzworth but it came back so a brief summary:
We (Plasma Studies) need a dr11 driver for uvaxII/ultrix also. DEC has
agreed to help in the person of Marty Nicholson at DEC(301 459 7900).
I hate to buck the tide but our experience with DEC has been very positive
so far (4 years, 3 low budget systems) and feel present Ultrix problems
just usual DEC getting it working numbers.
If anyone has or hacks a driver we would like to have it and will keep
all who contact us informed & post summaries as warranted as to our progress
with DEC.
Hurf Sheldon
Laboratory for Plasma Studies
369 Upson Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca,N.Y. 14853 607 256 7267 hurf at ionvax

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