Need help in accessing physical address in Unix

Jan Steinman jans at mako.UUCP
Tue Dec 17 03:32:24 AEST 1985

I'm suprised no one has mentioned this, and perhaps I'm being 
naive in suggesting it, but can't one simply open /dev/mem
and lseek() to the desired physical address?  I realize this
requires suid root, but the other solutions apparently do
also.  From my UTek manual, section 4:

   MeM is a special file that is an image of the main memory
   of the computer.  It may be used, for example, to examine
   (and even to patch) the system.

   Byte addresses in mem are interpreted as physical memory
   addresses.  References to non-existant locations cause
   errors to be returned.

Am I missing something, or is this not the most simple way to
"get at the RAW BITS".  It may well be a Berkleyism, SysV folk
care to comment?
:::::: Artificial   Intelligence   Machines   ---   Smalltalk   Project ::::::
:::::: Jan Steinman		Box 1000, MS 60-405	(w)503/685-2956 ::::::
:::::: tektronix!tekecs!jans	Wilsonville, OR 97070	(h)503/657-7703 ::::::

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