An oldie and a newie.

fnf at unisoft.UUCP fnf at unisoft.UUCP
Sat Dec 21 06:27:28 AEST 1985

In article <525 at smeagol.UUCP> earle at smeagol.UUCP (Greg Earle) writes:
>In Fred Fish's documentation for his 'DBUG' package, he included the source
>for an -mm version of the User's Manual (He forgot to post the files that
>are .so'd in there, but what the hell).  It .so's some small files ...

If you examine the workings of the makefile you will discover that the 
included files are created dynamically from the compilable examples
in such a way that nroff doesn't barf on them.  Sounds like you didn't
use the makefile (or did I actually screw up and forget to post some
pieces? :-).


Fred Fish    UniSoft Systems Inc, 739 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
{ucbvax,dual}!unisoft!fnf	(415) 644 1230 		TWX 11 910 366-2145

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