replacement for deuna?

George R. Boyce george at cornell.UUCP
Fri Dec 27 03:11:35 AEST 1985

In article <1957 at islenet.UUCP> bob at islenet.UUCP (Bob Cunningham) writes:
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Digital announce the DELUA at DECUS
>which effectively obsoletes the DEUNA?
>Bob Cunningham  {dual|vortex|ihnp4}!islenet!bob
>Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii

I didn't see any announcement, but then I wasn't looking. I did however
check with the networks booth where they had all the new fancy stuff on
display and did not see a delua AND I was told there by a Digital representative
that the delua had not been announced. But I've since received a message
from the group which developed the delua which said it is an announced
product. I'ld check in with the local dec office and ask them to confirm
it, if I were you. At 8 amps, I still can't fit it into my 750s.

George Boyce, Cornell Computer Services, george at cornell

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