
Daniel R. Levy levy at ttrdc.UUCP
Wed Dec 4 14:06:14 AEST 1985

In article <686 at milo.UUCP>, rrr at milo.UUCP (Richard Rush) writes:
>> In article <783 at cyb-eng.UUCP>, bc at cyb-eng.UUCP (Bill Crews) writes:
>> > > I feel we need a net.os to discuss operating system topics.  Right now
>> > > this is spread all over the net, mainly in heavily used groups like
>> > > unix-wizards.  Unix isn't everything, and even there it would be nice to
>> > > have a discussion not buried by discussion of bugs, etc.
>> > >
>> > > I said all this a couple of months ago, got about thirty responses,
>> > > only to be told "you didn't go about it the right way", which I think
>> > > is a little crazy to be told after the fact.  I now understand that the
>> > > right way to do it is to swamp the net.  So if you want net.os, use your
>> > > 'f' (not 'F') key NOW!
>YES FOR NET.OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 -------------------------------    Disclaimer:  The views contained herein are
|       dan levy | yvel nad      |  my own and are not at all those of my em-
|         an engihacker @        |  ployer or the administrator of any computer
| at&t computer systems division |  upon which I may hack.
|        skokie, illinois        |
 --------------------------------   Path: ..!ihnp4!ttrdc!levy

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