Disturbing News re. DEC and UNIX

Joseph S. D. Yao jsdy at hadron.UUCP
Thu Dec 19 09:29:59 AEST 1985

In article <177 at ecrcvax.UUCP> snoopy at ecrcvax.UUCP (Sebastian Schmitz) writes:
>The news is, that DEC will in future support System V on its
>VAX products.

The official line from DEC is that Ultrix 1.2 (the next release,
for those of us who aren't already beta-testing it) will be built
on the current release (1.1, which is 4.2 + frills) but it will
also meet the System V Interface Description (SVID).  In other
words, DEC claims that any program which meets the specifications
in the SVID (roughly equivalent to s5r2.0v2 +/- 2) can be compiled
and run under Ultrix 1.2 with no loss of functionality.  They say
that at the same time it will also exhibit all the lovable charac-
teristics of 4.2 BSD with a good number of performance enhancements
from 4.3 BSD thrown in.

I have removed net.followup from the header, and hope all people
of good sense did the same.

	Joe Yao		hadron!jsdy at seismo.{CSS.GOV,ARPA,UUCP}

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