TCP/IP for SysV?

ansok at ansok at
Fri Dec 20 19:38:23 AEST 1985

    Some time ago, I posted a question to info-unix asking if anyone
had any info on TCP/IP availability for SysV Unix (for a VAX and a
local Ethernet).  So far, I've only received one response (plus three
"let me know what you find out"s), so I'll repeat the question to the

    Is there any TCP/IP support available for SysV Unix?  Does AT&T
support this?  If not, what third-party software is available? (and
mini-reviews if you have any experience.)

    The only response (from Dave Curry -- davy @ said
that AT&T was "working on it" in three separate groups and it should
be ready (we all know about availability dates :-) in the spring of
'86.  I had previously heard both that AT&T did and did not support
TCP/IP.  So, anyone out there have any more information?

			Gary Ansok
			gea%romeo @

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