4.2 on 8600 (repeat)

Bjorn Eriksen ber at enea.UUCP
Tue Dec 10 18:35:01 AEST 1985

In article <95 at calma.UUCP> radzy at calma.UUCP (Tim Radzykewycz) writes:
>In article <1114 at enea.UUCP> ber at enea.UUCP (Bjorn Eriksen) writes:
>> .... you can't move a binary image of sendmail from, say a 750
>>or 780 to a Micro-Vax.
>I don't know about Ultrix 1.1.  I'm running 1.2.  Yes, you can
>move a binary imagen of sendmail from a 750 running vanilla
>4.2 to the uVAX-II with Ultrix 1.2.

Ok, my mistake. Sorry. There was no problem moving sendmail. It
was the new config file I used, what else could it be. Nevertheless,
the funny thing was that after recompiling sendmail on the uVAX-II,
I had no problems with the very same config file.

	Bjorn Eriksen

	UUCP:	{seismo,mcvax,cernvax,diku,ircam,prlb2,tut,ukc,unido}!enea!ber
	ARPA:	enea!ber at seismo.arpa

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