Ultrix and 4.2 and der Mouse

George R. Boyce george at cornell.UUCP
Sat Dec 7 01:47:44 AEST 1985

In article <1554 at decwrl.UUCP> aps at decwrl.UUCP (Armando P. Stettner) writes:
>Regarding the news comment by der Mouse on whether or not Ultrix
>is 4.2 or not:
>Ultrix is not really good for academic environment where students will
>be doing thesis work on operating systems or other computer science
>activities that involve modifying existing programs.  It is better
>suited to places that have less experience with UNIX or for places that
>would prefer not to maintain the staff necessary to keep up an
>operating system.
>			Armando Stettner

Ok, I give. Does someone care to support or attack this thesis? Since
my job is to support an academic computing environment, The above
statement strikes close to home. I can get kernel sources cheaply if
I need them so that isn't the basis. Everything I've tried to port
from BSD4.2 seems to either run or recompile and run just fine. And that
does include all the "missing" BSD4.2 programs; I'll be asking Digital
at DECUS to explain just why some of the programs were left out. Like
'finger' and 'man'... Sigh. Anyway, just *why* is it that Ultrix is
bad for supporting computing in, say, a computer science department??

I'm not going to touch the line about support staff...

George Boyce
Academic Computing, Cornell Computing Services
george at cornell.arpa, george at gvax.cs.cornell.edu, george at crnlcs.bitnet

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