Ultrix and 4.2 and der Mouse

Matt Crawford matt at oddjob.UUCP
Tue Dec 10 06:10:08 AEST 1985

In article <722 at decuac.UUCP> avolio at decuac.UUCP (Frederick M. Avolio) writes:
>But, and this is what I think Armando was getting at, if you have no
>use for any of that, if you do all your own support, if your goal is
>to make massive changes to the kernel (essentially voiding the
>warrantee) then you might do better to go with a non-commercial

What operating system ever came with a warranty?  Does DEC
sell an operating system with any sort of warranty of
correct operation?
Matt		University	crawford at anl-mcs.arpa
Crawford	of Chicago	ihnp4!oddjob!matt

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