NEW NEWSGROUP !!!!!! net.should-we-have-a-net-os

B.falwell at B.falwell at
Tue Dec 24 15:41:34 AEST 1985

Since there is so much discussion on whether or not we should have net.os
I've decided to start a newsgroup to discuss this most interesting of subjects.
This newsgroup will discuss the pros and cons of having the net.os newsgroup
as well as the social ramifications of this most delicate and complex subject.

To get on net.should-we-have-net-os, and to submit messages, mail

falwell at ucscb@ucscc.uucp at ucbvax.EDU

Personally, I believe that net.os would be God's network mailing list.  Last
night, while I was laying in bed, God sent an angel to me, that told me that
we should have net.os .  So, all messages that are not pro net.os will be
deleted from the digest.

Praise the Lord, and Modula-2 ( God's programming language )

                                         jerry  I 
                                        J E S U S 

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