Locating a copy of "The Lions Document"

Ronald Boyd ron at cylixd.UUCP
Sat Dec 28 00:36:58 AEST 1985

In article <182 at ecrcvax.UUCP> dave at ecrcvax.UUCP (David Morton) writes:
>I thought that Bell or AT & T or whatever they were called at that
>time "persuaded" Lyons (not Lions) to forget the idea of publishing this
>documment which contains (contained) Bell source code ?
>Thus, to my ill informed knowledge, any published copy is illegal.
>Dave Morton

"A Commentary on the UNIX Operating System" and "UNIX Operating
System Source Code Level Six" were published in June, 1977, by
J. Lions of the Department of Computer Science at the University of
New South Wales. The frontspiece of both documents say that
"Outside the Bell System, distribution of this document has been
restricted to holders of a license for the UNIX Time Sharing
Operating System." I recommend that you contact either Mr. John
Lions of New South Wales or AT&T Bell Laboratories for information
on how to obtain a copy of these documents.
Ronald Boyd	({gatech,mcnc}!akgub!cylixd!ron)

The above opinions do not represent anyone's but my own.

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