Extended file system on UNIX 4.2/4.3 BSD

David Parter david at rsch.wisc.edu
Fri Dec 20 18:54:43 AEST 1985

in <184 at isieng.UUCP>, Ronald P. Hughes  says:

> In response to your inquiry regarding extended file systems under 4.2/4.3:

> Here at Integrated Solutions I have implemented TRFS (Transparent Remote File
> System) which allows access to remote files.  ...
>    ...         Anywhere you can specify a filename or pathname, you can now
> specify a remote pathname of the form "/@machinename/pathname", where
> pathname is any arbitrary pathname on the remote machine.  ...
>      ...        In fact, there are NO new system calls associated with TRFS.
> All the standard protection mechanisms apply.

how do you resolve remote-access permissions?  Is root at a also root at b?
is david at a also david at b?

david parter
University of Wisconsin Systems Lab

uucp:	...!{allegra,harvard,ihnp4,seismo, topaz}!uwvax!david
arpa:	david at rsch.wisc.edu 

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