Please do NOT use /bin/test as a command name

daemon at houligan.UUCP daemon at houligan.UUCP
Sun Dec 22 02:58:42 AEST 1985

In article <6224 at utzoo.UUCP>, henry at utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) writes:
>> As a compromise, how about setting PATH at the beginning of the script?
> This is not a compromise, it is the correct and complete solution.  Don't
> forget to do "export PATH".

I think that it would depend on the application.  It is possible that
the user has directories in his PATH which would not be found by "sub-
commands" if you "export" the PATH.  In general, I set the PATH, but
do not "export" it, and this seems to work well.  Especially if one of
the effects of the script is to call up another shell (rarely) or the
editor (more common).  Then, the user can still use all the commands
he's used to.

Sorry if the topic wasn't clear here.  I was only discussing the point
of "export"ing PATH.  I agree that setting PATH is the best solution.


	while (--tgi)	/* my mind continues to decay */
		;	/* even though I do nothing.. */    

{brl-bmd,ccvaxa,pur-ee,sun}!csd-gould!midas!tgi (Craig Strickland @ Gould)
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(echo ".ft B"; echo ".ps 999"; echo "$disclaimer") | troff -t	# :-)

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