does rlogin preserve stty settings between BSD and System V?

Phil Ngai phil at amdcad.UUCP
Tue Dec 3 17:43:50 AEST 1985

Is it reasonable to expect rlogin to pass your stty settings along to
a remote host when that host runs a different version of Unix? I am
thinking in particular of rlogin between BSD and System V. If I have
stty crt on a local BSD machine, I would like stty echoe on the remote
System V machine, but it seems perhaps too much to expect.

If we can have a virtual terminal, why not a virtual stty....

Pardon me if rlogin is supposed to do this and it's just my vendor
who has slipped up.
 There's nothing I hate more than sorting socks.

 Phil Ngai +1 408 749-5720
 UUCP: {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra}!amdcad!phil
 ARPA: amdcad!phil at

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