tcp/ip on Ridges (ridgen?)

David L. Gehrt dave at RIACS.ARPA
Sun Feb 24 03:25:25 AEST 1985

We are the proud owners of a ridge 32c, which we acquired to hang off
our net, having been told it would come with tcp/ip support when
delivered.  Well, what we got was a ridge with a braindamaged ftp,
supporting xfers from the ridge of any size, and xfers to the ridge so
long as they are less than some number between 408, and 511 bytes.
Seems to be related to class c addressing on the net, but that is
another story.  I am looking for an implementation of telnet, or
rlogin, rsh or any examples of tcp/ip servers which work with a ridge
running ROS 3.2 to get us going until ROS 3.3 arrives. Specifically,
we'd like to support remote logins and be able drive our laser printer
on the ridge with the work coming in from the other hosts on the net.
Does anybody out there have such code they are willing to share?

We are source licensed for 4.2, I am just trying to avoid a reinvention
of the wheel if it can be avoided. (not to mention the detective work
envolved in trying to figure out what support actually exists in ros
for tcp/ip.)


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