setting TERM [converted to 4.2BSD gripe] (next Berkeley release)

Jim Gettys jg at mit-athena.UUCP
Thu Feb 28 01:04:23 AEST 1985

	If you are going to let the cat out of the bag, at least get it
right (up to date).  There is additional support to run any program, not
just getty, on a terminal line, and support for User process window systems,
a'la' the X window system here at MIT, or the ITC window system at CMU.
Here is an example of one of our /etc/ttys files from here at MIT, in the
new format...  In addition, opening a terminal line has been moved from init
to getty to allow use of init as a "superdaemon" to maintain other daemon
programs.  These changes have been running here at MIT for some months, and
recently went west to Berkeley.
				Jim Gettys
				MIT/Project Athena

Here is a copy of an /etyc/ttys file.

# name		getty		type	status		comments
console	"/etc/getty e"		vt125	on secure
tty00	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty01	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty02	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty03	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty04	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty05	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty06	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
tty07	"/etc/getty rem.9600"	h19pc	on secure
ttyp0	none		network
ttyp1	none		network
ttyp2	none		network
ttyp3	none		network
ttyp4	none		network
ttyp5	none		network
ttyp6	none		network
ttyp7	none		network
ttyp8	none		network
ttyp9	none		network
ttypa	none		network
ttypb	none		network
ttypc	none		network
ttypd	none		network
ttype	none		network
ttypf	none		network
ttyv0	"/usr/athena/xpty -L =65x80+4+5 -b 4 :0"	vs100 on secure window="/usr/athena/X 0"
ttyv1	"/usr/athena/xpty -L -fn 6x10 =40x80+0+0 :1"	vs100s off secure window="/usr/athena/X 1"

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