Typescript of simple interactive programs, help wanted

Vidar S|rensen vidar at kvvax4.UUCP
Thu Feb 21 20:29:49 AEST 1985

Can someone help me withe the following problem:
I want to typescript an interactive C or Pascal program on UNIX (4.1Bsd)
but can't get it to work. The problem is possibly that the i/o goes 
via pipes from/to the script process, but I can't afford the time to
study it. 
Problem examples:
#include <stdio.h>
int i;
	printf("number please ");
	while ( scanf("%d",&i) != EOF) {
		printf("That was %d\n",i);
		printf("number please ");
program junk(input,output);
var i:integer;
	write('number please?');
	while not eof do begin
		writeln('that was a ',i:2);
		write('number please?');
	Vidar Sorensen  ({decvax,philabs}!mcvax!kvport!kvvax4!vidar)
	A/S Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk, P.O.Box 25, N-3601 Kongsberg

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