Modifications to the unix kernel (terminal linking/advising)

Ronnie Schnell ronnie at mit-eddie.UUCP
Fri Jan 18 13:01:22 AEST 1985

Recently I posted a message asking about the legalities of the proposed
sale of a modification to the unix kernel.  I appreciate the people
who responded to the article.  I really should have been more specific
about what I am trying to do.  I have created a system of terminal
linking much like the one that exists on the Dec-20 running Tops-20. 
This is done with minor modifications to the kernel.  I think it could
be very useful for a teacher/student interaction type of situation
as well as many security reasons. In any case, I would like to distribute
this without having to go through the trouble of a unix commercial
license, etc.  One suggestion I got was to offer it as a
consulting service, where a company wanting the system would
pay my company a certain amount of money to install it on their computer.
Of course this would only be good for a computer with sources.  I
would be willing to do this, but I am still unsure as to the legalities.
I would appreciate any input anyone has on this.

			#Ron		{ihnp4, decvax!genrad}!mit-eddie!ronnie

						ronnie at

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