shell preprocessor for history & alias
Greg Skinner
gregbo at houxm.UUCP
Thu Jan 17 07:05:48 AEST 1985
EDT under VMS has a mechanism which logs all commands that went to the terminal
during the editing session. It writes out a file with all the commands. If
for some reason the session is aborted, the user may specify that his state
be restored before the abort by having the log file run.
I don't know how this could be extended to vi/emacs as far as a history pro-
gram with indexing backwards/forwards through the issued commands, but that
would be a start, I guess. I don't know for sure, but the file may
be of similar structure (if not format) -- it's certainly large enough to con-
tain a history of commands.
Baby tie your hair back in a long white bow ...
Meet me in the field, behind the dynamo ...
Greg Skinner (gregbo)
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