VM on 680x0? Almost...

Josh Knight josh at v1.UUCP
Sun Jan 27 14:24:05 AEST 1985

> Other than that, it makes a fine VM machine -- quite a bit better than
> IBM's in hardware support, since it lets the hypervisor do things like
> simulate memory mapped I/O devices transparently.

Recent IBM hardware has better (at least different) support for "hypervisors".
See "System/370 Extended Architecture:  Facilities for Virtual Machines" by
P.H. Gum, in IBM Journal of R&D Vol. 27, No. 6 (November 1983), pp. 530-544
for a discussion of hardware facilities for virtual machines (as well as
references related to other discussions of VM/CMS in this forum).

The opinions expressed are my own, not those of my employer.

		Josh Knight, IBM T.J. Watson Research
    josh at YKTVMX on BITNET, josh.yktvmx.ibm on CSnet,

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