HELP - Ikonas (Adage) RDS-3000 hangs kernel on 750 w/ bsd4.2

George W. Sherouse sherouse at godot.UUCP
Fri Jul 26 08:39:54 AEST 1985

We have a VAX 750 running bsd4.2 and using Ron Gordon's ik driver
for an Ikonas RDS-3000.  The vintage of the driver appears to be
roughly 1/84.  It is the one distributed by Adage on their AIDS tape.
We have a relatively new ik11 board which the field service
people apparently know only as "the latest rev".  It was reputed
to have a fix to some communications problem but in fact *seems* to
have made things worse for us.

The problem is that we can reproducably hang the kernel in one
of several annoying ways by interrupting a program which is doing
a transfer to(/from ?) the Ikonas.  I've written to rdg about it
and he had not heard of the problem.  I suspect a timing problem
between the the vax and the 3000, perhaps a side-effect of the
vax's 750ness (as opposed to 780ness).

So I ask you:

1)  Does anybody else have a 750 with an RDS-3000 that does or
does not manifest this problem?

2)  Has anybody seen this before on any machine with an RDS-3000?

3)  Does anybody else have the mysterious "latest rev" of the ik11?
Does it work?

4)  Does anybody else get *answers* to this sort of question from Adage?

George W. Sherouse
Radiation Oncology
North Carolina Memorial Hospital
Chapel Hill, NC   27514

(919) 966-1101


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