System V communication facilities query

Sylvain Langlois RCG-ARS sylvain at lvbull.UUCP
Tue Jun 18 06:35:13 AEST 1985

As far as I know, "streams" are not yet implemented in any SV release.
They should be in forthcoming SV R3.0 which has been announced for
April 86. Dennis Ritchie wrote a paper on this subject in Bell Technical
book (issued October 84) - a special UNIX issue again! -. There is
also some papers published by /usr/group about communication facilities
which talk (vaguely) about streams (Dave Olander's paper).
An other rumor is also saying that streams would be part of 4.4BSD
system... BUT THGIS IS ONLY A RUMOR!! If anybody has got some more info
on this lattest point, I would appreciate a "More about... " mail.

Sylvain "Panic Trap" Langlois		
UUCP Address:	(...!mcvax!vmucnam!lvbull!sylvain)
Postal Address:	BULL, PC 33/05, 68 route de Versailles,
		F-78430 Louveciennes, France.

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