run queues on Vaxen running Unix

Robert Elz kre at munnari.OZ
Sun Jun 2 05:24:53 AEST 1985

In article <716 at burl.UUCP>, rcj at burl.UUCP (R. Curtis Jackson) writes:
> Just curious to know the largest runques observed on Vaxen...
> Yesterday I did one of these and the average was 40.3, with a high
> runque of 46.8!!!
> Anyone seen anything worse than this?

  3:36pm  up  2:09,  37 users,  load average: 108.53, 104.78, 98.49

That's output from 4.1 something's uptime (I forget which version we
were running then, it might even have been very early 4.2), in late
October 83.  As you can see (if you understand the format) the load
was still rising.  It peaked at something over 110...

This is from munnari, a 780 with 4Mb, fpa, etc (but not "set clock fast")

The system had only been up 2 hours, as just before then the load
was SO bad that we had to reboot to get things back into a stable

Robert Elz					seismo!munnari!kre

(ps: in case you're wondering, most of those users would have been
running ingres - there would also have been a bunch of f77 compiling)

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