mail encryption/decryption

WALDEN bsw at whuts.UUCP
Sat Jun 29 06:02:37 AEST 1985

> Is is possible to use crypt with mail?  THe experience I've had says no.
> Our guru has gone off to greener pastures.
>  john salmi    {ihnp4,mgnetp}!dicomed!john
>  dicomed corp
>  minneapolis

 You cannot directly mail encrypt files. Mail(1) (AT&T's at least) will
strip out all NUL characters before sending mail. So if crypt(1) generates
any NULs the person receiving that mail will not be able to decrypt it
correctly even with the correct key.

You'll have to write two programs: One to replace NULs with someother character
sequence before mailing.  And another that puts the NULs back in to the file
after reading that sequence.   The same goes if you want to mail cpio(1) type

	Brian Walden
	AT&T-Bell Labs

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