mail encryption/decryption

Steven List steven at luke.UUCP
Sun Jun 30 05:21:41 AEST 1985

In article <518 at dicomed.UUCP> salmi at dicomed.UUCP (John Salmi) writes:
>Is is possible to use crypt with mail?  THe experience I've had says no.
> john salmi    {ihnp4,mgnetp}!dicomed!john

Wouldn't your purpose be served by using something like:

	crypt < mailfile | btoa | mail

on the sending side and the reverse on the receiving side?  It shouldn't
be too difficult to write a mail front end program (similar in concept to
the `smail' program I posted recently?) to perform all this stuff for
you at both ends.
*  Steven List @ Benetics Corporation, Mt. View, CA
*  Just part of the stock at "Uncle Bene's Farm"
*  {cdp,greipa,idi,oliveb,sun,tolerant}!bene!luke!steven

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