Prompt showing current directory (just like DOS)

Robert L. Fair cim2 at pyuxv.UUCP
Wed Nov 27 01:08:28 AEST 1985

One of the (few) nice things about PC-DOS is that you can set 
your prompt (PS1) to always show your current directory.

The following little script allows you to do the same thing
in the Korn shell ("ksh")

The lines should be put in your '.kshrc' file or equivilent, and

This works because "ksh" evaluates aliases before builtins/functions.
Note that although the function is called 'ncd' (to avoid conflict
with the built-in 'cd'), the alias allows one to still
do "cd $HOME" etc:

	function ncd {
		alias cd=cd
		cd $1
		PS1="! $PWD >"
		alias cd=ncd
	alias cd=ncd

Since everthing here is a built-in, the speed is comparable to a regular 'cd'
Anyone know how to get a constant time display in the prompt also ???

Robert L. Fair				
Bell Communications Research/ C.H.C

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