3Com IBM-PC Ethernet board problem solved... Thanks

D.B. Robinson dbr at foxvax5.UUCP
Thu Nov 28 08:47:19 AEST 1985

[ line eater sacrifice ]

This is to thank all those who responded to our plea for help with
the 3Com IBM-PC IE ethernet controller.  The information contained
in your replies was very beneficial.

One day after we posted the original plea, the man from Valinor
in New Hampshire called back to say that he had convinced 3Com
that we would have to talk to someone capable with that board.
We then received a call from the 3Com office in New Hampshire
which gave us the needed name and telephone number...  The person
that we contacted did indeed know what he was talking about and
our driver now seems to work.

It seems that after much cajoling 3Com does care.

Once again, thanks to all concerned.

Warren and Doug

(e-mail to cybvax0!foxvax5!dbr please)
Warren Brown
Douglas Robinson

The Foxboro Company
Department 350			cybvax0!foxvax5!spec2	(Warren Brown)
38 Neponset Avenue		cybvax0!foxvax5!dbr	(Doug Robinson)
Foxboro, MA 02035		617/543-8750

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