Ultrix Network Services

hagan%UPenn-DCCS%upenn.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA hagan%UPenn-DCCS%upenn.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Thu Nov 7 15:13:27 AEST 1985

I have DEC's Ultrix which is (for the most part) just bsd4.2 Unix.  However,
my /etc/services reads as following:

# Network services, Internet style
echo		7/udp
discard		9/udp		sink null
systat		11/tcp
daytime		13/tcp
netstat		15/tcp
ftp		21/tcp
telnet		23/tcp
smtp		25/tcp		mail
time		37/tcp		timserver
name		42/tcp		nameserver
whois		43/tcp		nicname
mtp		57/tcp				# deprecated
hostnames	101/tcp		hostname	# usually from sri-nic
# Host specific functions
tftp		69/udp
rje		77/tcp
finger		79/tcp
link		87/tcp		ttylink
supdup		95/tcp
ingreslock	1524/tcp
# UNIX specific services
exec		512/tcp
login		513/tcp
shell		514/tcp		cmd		# no passwords used
printer		515/tcp		spooler		# experimental
efs		520/tcp				# for LucasFilm
courier		530/tcp		rpc		# experimental
biff		512/udp		comsat
who		513/udp		whod
syslog		514/udp
talk		517/udp
route		520/udp		router routed	# 521 also
new-rwho	550/udp		new-who		# experimental
rmonitor	560/udp		rmonitord	# experimental
monitor		561/udp				# experimental

Althought I have some of these services in the form of startable background
daemons, I cannot seem to find any information on most of the "Network
Services, Internet Style".  For example: I have SMTP and FTP, but lack:

echo, discard (both upd)
systat, daytime, netstat, time, name, whois, mtp, hostnames
rje, finger, link, supdup, and ingreslock.

Do you know where I can find most or all of these?  Or could you tell me who
to contact?

Thanks in advance,


P.S.  I am not a supscriber to Unix-WIZARDS, so please respond directly to
      me: Hagan at UPenn.CSNET

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