4.2 on 8600 (repeat)

Mark Plotnick mp at allegra.UUCP
Mon Nov 25 09:47:11 AEST 1985

> Ultrix-32 runs on the 8600. It runs like the
> proverbial "bat out of ...". Contact your DEC salesperson for further
> information.
Be aware that Ultrix for the 8600 is going to be in "field test" for
the next few months, which means you have to run an essentially
binary-only system with some quirks in the commands, networking, and
RA81 and DMZ drivers (we've bought a source license, which entitles us
to write letters to the powers-that-be to ask for sources on a
module-by-module basis).  On the plus side, it does run fast, they've
ported the VMS Fortran compiler to it, and the documentation hints at
optional system V compatibility at the C library level (if only the
documentation said what environment variable needs to be set!)

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