pipe breaking
Jonny Goon
goon at lasspvax.UUCP
Tue Oct 29 04:36:24 AEST 1985
I am a relatively inexperienced UNIX user, and I would appreciate
any advice on the following problem:
I have some rather large data files stored on disk in compacted form.
I use ccat and a pipe to feed the data file to a plotting program.
This fortran program accepts the uncompacted data from standard input
via an unformatted read statement and plots it; it exits from the
plotting loop when an EOF condition is detected. At this point I
want the program to accept input from the keyboard; however, it
continues to read from the pipe. Do you have any advice on how I
can redirect the input once the EOF is reached? Thanks for your support.
| J. Goon |
| Center for Applied Math. |
| Cornell U. |
| Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 |
| {decvax,ihnp4,cmcl2,vax135}!cornell!amvax!goon (USENET) |
| goon%amvax at CRNLCS.BITNET (Bitnet) |
| goon at amvax.tn.cornell.edu (ARPANET) |
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