tset vt100 destroys scrolling on SUN-2/120

Ronald Thisted thisted at gargoyle.UUCP
Wed Oct 23 01:51:21 AEST 1985

We have discovered that accidentally doing a "tset vt100" from
our SUN consoles screws up their scrolling (and vi, and more, and....)
The problem is due to the initialization string sent to the
console (ESC[1;24r).  We have not been able to reinitialize the console
to its virgin state without rebooting (ugh!).  Is there a nice
solution, and if so, is it documented anywhere?

Ron Thisted
Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago
MAIL:	5734 University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637
UUCP:	ihnp4!gargoyle!galton!thisted
CSNET:	thisted at galton.UChicago.csnet

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