System V vs. ulimit: if sys5 == ++sys3 then...

Brandon Allbery bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Sat Sep 7 10:33:36 AEST 1985


Quoted from <1149 at brl-tgr.ARPA> ["Another reason why a few sources should come with binary licenses"], by root%bostonu.csnet at (BostonU SysMgr)...
| 	1. The ULIMIT problem, modifying login.c is currently the
| 	only effective way to raise ulimit above 2048 on SYSV.

On the Plexus P/35 and P/60 which run System III (and as of last month new ones
run System V), the ulimit is implemented and is changed as follows:

/* ulimit.c */

#define GETTY		"/etc/getty"

main(argc, argv, envp)
char **argv, **envp; {
 	ulimit(2, 1000000L);	/* I think it's 2; I'm on Xenix now, which
 					implements a different ulimit() */
	execve(GETTY, argv, envp);

In /etc/inittab the /etc/getty is replaced with /etc/ulimit:

			...:/etc/ulimit tty8 b

I could very well have this wrong if /etc/inittab workls differently (or
getty works differently) on System V, but if not this will give you an
effectively unlimited ulimit without source code.

* Brandon S Allbery, 6504 Chestnut, Independence, OH 44131  +01 216 524 1416 *
* (phone and address subject to change in ca. 1-2 months when I get an apt.) *
* 74106,1032 CIS   BALLBERY MCIMAIL  TELEX 6501617070  ncoast!bsa at Case.CSNET *

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