Wanted: VAX 11/750 code to do what RESET button does

Arthur David Olson ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Sep 24 11:13:03 AEST 1985

A controller on one of our VAX 11/750's massbus adapters will at times have
the drive type register set incorrectly after the VAX has lost (and then
regained) power--rendering the attached device unuseable.
The register becomes correct if I tap the RESET button on the VAX's front
console, and the device becomes usable.

Well then. . .is there anything I can do in the way of programming to cause
those things to happen that happen when the RESET button is pressed?
(Alas, the PDP-11's "reset" instruction has disappeared from the VAX's
vast collection.)  If you know, please reply to me by mail.
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