help with 4.2 dmf autoanswer problem

Bob Miorelli miorelli at pwa-b.UUCP
Thu Sep 19 03:23:16 AEST 1985

I have a problem with dialing into a system here.  The system is 4.2
with a df03 auto-answer modem plugged into a dmf (3rd dmf, port 0, or
ttyi0).  The modem answers fine and carrier locks on, but the
carrier detect is never passed on to init.  Init owns the line all
the time -- it never spawns a getty.  The entry for this in /etc/ttys
is `13ttyi0'  so it will autobaud and be a login terminal (for tip
or uucp).  I tried changing to other ports on other dmf's, but
the same thing happens.  I can cp <filez> /dev/ttyi0 and the data goes
out (can see it on a serial line analyzer), so the port seems to be OK.
What did I miss??  my other system uses Able dh's and all is well there
with the dial-in ports.   Thanks for any light you can shed on this subject.

-->BoB Miorelli, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft

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