UNIX v.3 Query

Dave Vacca vacca at burdvax.UUCP
Wed Aug 27 02:26:45 AEST 1986

There is much discussion about the merits of UNIX Sys V.3.
We here would like to know if there exists a living, breathing
machine available NOW to run this latest version of UNIX,
a machine which we could see demo-ed and upon which we could run 
comparitive benchmarks to determine V.3 performance.  

(We do realize, of course, that AT&T has only recently announced V.3.  
But maybe there is an AT&T box out there which could fill the bill.)

If anyone knows of such a machine, please give me the word.  Post the info
to the net or send mail to burdvax!asgdtn!gary.


Gary L Barrett
Burroughs Corporation 
Downingtown, PA 19335

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