BASIC for 3B's? [Basmark]

allbery at ncoast.UUCP allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Mon Aug 4 06:43:08 AEST 1986

Quoted from <610 at scirtp.UUCP> ["Re: BASIC for 3Bs?"], by john at scirtp.UUCP (john)...
| Bill Mitchell ({ihnp4,noao,mcnc,utah-cs}!arizona!whm) asks:
| > > Does anybody know of a BASIC compiler for 3B systems?
| Steven Harrison (ihnp4!jack!wolf!steve) replies:
| > Basmark Corp.
| > 1717 East Ninth Street
| > Cleveland Ohio  44144
| > 
| > They have told me they have a port running on the 3B line of machines
| 	We at SCI have reason to believe that a BASIC compiler for the 
| AT&T 3B2 and 3B5 machines exists (since we wrote one for a third-party
| subcontractor to AT&T).  It will accept BASIC code written for the IBM 
| 1.0 BASIC compiler, without graphics, sound, and IBM-PC-specific commands. 
| Last we heard, it had passed acceptance tests;  but we don't know if AT&T 
| is offering it as a product.  DISCLAIMER:  SCI does not have the right to 
| distribute this compiler, so we can't send you a copy.  Sorry.

Basmark BASIC supports IBM BASIC, except for teh ususal sound, graphics, etc.
commands and other fancy I/O stuff (ON KEY(n) etc.)  I've used it --
admittedly, not on a 3B -- and it works well, although its executables tend to
be rather large.  It works much better than other BASIC compilers and
BASIC-to-C translators I've seen, and it does a very good job of remaining
compatible with IBM BASIC.

No relation, just a (fairly -- I prefer C) happy user,
  ---------------- /--/	Brandon S. Allbery		UUCP: decvax!cwruecmp!
 /              / /|\/	Tridelta Industries, Inc.        ncoast!tdi2!brandon
----    -------- /-++	7350 Corporate Blvd.		PHONE: +1 216 974 9210
   /   / /---,  ----	Mentor, Ohio 44060		SYSOP: UNaXcess/ncoast
  /   / /    / /  /	     -- HOME --			 (216) 781-6201 24 hrs.
 /   / /    / /  /	6615 Center St. Apt. A1-105	ARPA:  ncoast!allbery%
----  -----~ ----	Mentor, Ohio 44060-4101		 case.CSNET at csnet-relay

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