Zombies ???

wolfe at winston.UUCP wolfe at winston.UUCP
Wed Dec 10 11:02:52 AEST 1986

Here is a question about zombie processes.  Are they an artifact of the
implementation or would UNIX break if one did it some other way?

Off hand, I can think of storing the {PID, STATUS} pair (or triple if
you want resource usage ala 4.[23] BSD) in queues for each parent to
read whenever they get around to it.  This would eliminate the need for
having process blocks hanging around until someone reads the exit

Does anyone know of implementations that do not use zombies?
Peter Wolfe			| ..decvax!microsoft!ubc-vision!winston!wolfe
New Media Technologies Ltd.	| ..ihnp4!alberta!ubc-vision!winston!wolfe
(604) 291-7111			|

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