console process getting killed

Gordon Vickers ems at prls.UUCP
Tue Dec 16 03:06:03 AEST 1986

In article <605 at umt.UUCP> marsh at umt.UUCP (Paul Marsh) writes:
>We are running Ultrix 1.2 on a VAX 11/785, and noticed the following
>problem after the system came up from a segmentation fault crash.
>Any process associated with the console terminal was being terminated
>at random intervals.  A clean system reload was our first attempt to
>solve the problem, but that failed to change the situation.  After
>watching its behavior, it appears to occur each time someone logs-out.
>This leads me to think that "init" might be the culprit.  It puzzles
>me as to why this would problem would just startup the time it did.
>To the best of my knowledge, the only thing being done on a systems
>level, is that we were running the "/etc/netsetup" script, which
>modifies /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, and /etc/hosts.equiv files, for
>configuring a local area network.  Is there something related here?
>Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
>UUCP :	... ! ucdavis ! umt ! marsh
>US Mail :	Paul Marsh,	University of Montana, Computer Center
>	    			Missoula, MT	59812
>phone :				(406) 243-5455

   Sound very similar to a problem we had here: Everytime some one logged
 off, the console would receive a new login prompt.
   DEC solved this one  for me, fortunately, they had seen it before.
 The localhosts entry in /etc/hosts must include the FULL address (i.e.
 the 'optional' zeroes MUST be included) : localhost myname
 where 'myname' must  ofcourse, match the string returned by hostname(1)
    Hope this helps.

------------- fold, spindle, mutilate at will ------(it's your CRT) ----
 Gordon P. Vickers, (408) 991-5370, 
 Signetics Corp., PO Box 409, M/S 69, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086 

   Kick the habit: ask the American Lung Association about their 
    "Freedom From Smoking" class. It worked for me, the wife, and 75%
     of the class. What a differance! Its GREAT! 
  [ In this correspondance, I am representing myself and no others. 
  I am not part of the PRLS group, but they are nice enough to allow me
  to TIP(1) to an account on their machine so I can send/receive email.] 

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