Sun 3.0, Text: table is full

Doug Flanagan flanagan at
Thu Dec 4 07:05:27 AEST 1986

O.K.  I give up. What the heck does "Text: table is full" mean?
We are running Sun 3.0 on a Sun 3/160 server and on four Sun 3/50's.
We never saw this message on any of the machines for many months,
but then we sold our Vax and the load on each diskless machine increased from
one user to three. Then we started seeing this message on just one of
the 3/50's. Then later I got it on the 3/160. Now another 3/50 is
doing it. I have looked at vmstats, perfmeters, ps's and on and on,
and have not located the cause. We do not have source, but based on
"strings vmunix" I believe the message comes from the kernel.
It is always written to the console and syslog only.

The message is triggered by the initiation of a process, which 
is aborted immediately, whether it be a "man" or a shell or whatever.
Rebooting the machine will make the problem go away for a while, but
it eventually comes back. Killing off processes and reducing the 
machines load doesn't always seem to help either. Acutually, the
machines load average is usually fairly low. Shutting down suntools
and reducing memory requirements doesn't seem to help either.

Anyone know what's going on? It is really annoying when it starts
happening! You can't anything done.

                                       Douglas Flanagan
                                       Systems Whatever
                                       Newman Lab. of Nuclear Studies
                                       Cornell U., Ithaca, N.Y. 14853
                                       (607) 255-5354

 		  {decvax,ihnp4,cmcl2,vax135}!cornell!amvax!flanagan (USENET)
                                      flanagan at (ARPANET)

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