Need help with C

Doug Gwyn <gwyn> gwyn at brl-tgr.ARPA
Sat Feb 1 08:33:03 AEST 1986

>     I'm having some problems with structures in a C program I've been
>     writing.  I have a structure declared as follows:
>     struct datestruct
>       {
> 	char month, day, year;
>       }
>     Further on I have a structure declared:
>     struct dbstruct
>       {
> 	double ...
> 	struct datestruct date;
>       }
>     and the declarations:
>     struct datestruct date;
>     struct dbstruct dbase[63];
>     I try to do a comparison between these, i.e.
>         ( date == dbase[loop].date )
>     but the compiler blows up on this, saying the two are incompatible.
>     I'm almost positive I've done this sort of thing before, and can't
>     seem to find why it won't work.  Anyone have any ideas/suggestions
>     as to why this is?

Struct comparison is not supported by C,
just assignment, passing or returning to/from functions,
and member selection.
You will have to compare the three elements individually
(or use memcmp(3C)).

>     Also, is there a better newsgroup for these type of inquiries?

net.lang.c (INFO-C)

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