The incredible exploding C compiler.

djl at gitpyr.UUCP djl at gitpyr.UUCP
Fri Feb 7 00:57:58 AEST 1986

Okay, I just spent a few hours fiddling with this exact same problem on one
of our 3B2s.  The problem lies with the fact that, as distributed, hack 
expects chars to be signed.  There are comments in config.h about this. if
chars on your machine are unsigned, as on the 3B2, then you have to change
the typedef for schar (in config.h) to "short int" instead of "char".

just in case you care, the message comes from /lib/comp (even the dlabel part)
which is the workhorse part of the c compiler on the 3B2.

Dave Lane, User Assistant, Office of Computing Services,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia  30332

Dave Lane, User Assistant, Office of Computing Services,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia  30332


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