a brief tutorial on sendmail rules
Greg Earle
earle at smeagol.UUCP
Sat Feb 1 13:48:56 AEST 1986
> While I am running off at the keyboard here, here are some of the
> other things I would also like to see in sendmail. Remember that
> this is supposed to be an address rewriting programming language.
> (What else can you call it?)
> - Long variable names. 32 characters is an absolute minimum;
> flexnames preferred. Small name spaces are bad. Remember
> the *big* 8K (core of course) computers you worked on?
> - Real control structures, not just `do this once per
> match' vs. `do this every match'.
> - Table lookups with return values, tables usually
> being files of some kind, hopefully fast (e.g., hashed).
To which I'll add my two cents worth:
*Three* times I have seen mail come in from a site 1 away
from us, which was intended to be forwarded by my machine,
where (because of the incoming news path) the destination
address was like 19 sites long. Sendmail (ala 'sort'),
"silently truncated" the long dest. addr to 1!2!...!14!15
so it looked like the destination was user (machine 15)
at site 14!! In all three cases, the destination address
got cut off at 105 characters long.
- either extend the 'F' class operator, so that it can return
a 2-tuple, with key and associated string, or use a new
letter that can perform this feature. I am pretty sure I
saw this in the Maryland sendmail changes; it should be
standard. There's no reason at this late stage in the game
why everybody should have to have a 'uumail' program written
especially to sit in between sendmail and uux just so you
can use the pathalias data. Sendmail should do this itself,
via this changed/new operator.
- There seems to be an oversight in Ruleset 0, whereby if you
don't put in your own rule to strip off the name of the relay
host when sending to the Arpanet from a uucp site, then later
on if the receiver tries to reply, the address will be such
that it thinks it has a uucp link to the Arpa site that first
got your outgoing mail (instead of a TCP link). The reply
gets munged ... Our rule for this (Thanks to David Robinson
at Caltech) is :
# Remove name of relay host if sending to arpanet
R$R!$*<@$*$-.arpa>$* $#$M $@$R $:$1@$2$3.arpa$4 rhost!user at any.arpa
Greg Earle
sdcrdcf!smeagol!earle (UUCP)
ia-sun2!smeagol!earle at csvax.caltech.edu (ARPA)
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