UUCP from 4.2BSD->AT&T 3B2

Larry Lippman larry at kitty.UUCP
Mon Jan 20 14:31:44 AEST 1986

> > I am attempting to establish a UUCP connection between my Pyramid and a
> > AT&T 3B2-400.  When we call the 3B2, uucico fires up on their side and
> > identifies their system properly.  It then sends LOGIN where my system is
> > expecting OK.
> See reply to other similar reported problem.  It has nothing whatsoever to
> do with the UUCP running on the calling side; it could be anything from V7
> to System V Release 2, and probably even Honey Danber, and the same problem
> would occur.  The problem is that the *called* side hasn't had its USERFILE
> (or the Honey Danber equivalents) set up right; System V Release 2's UUCP
> enforces rules that had never been enforced before, and which people got
> used to not being enforced.  You *must* enable logins for *every* account
> used by UUCP in the USERFILE or whatever file(s) Honey Danber uses.

	Generally /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions is the file name.  Some of the
uucp logfile errors resulting from incorrect entries in the above file are:
chances are you have a program called /usr/lib/uucp/uucheck which facilitates
checking the correctness of Permissions file entries.
	I would also suggest the following to simplify uucp troubleshooting
and to improve system security:

1.	Create (in /etc/passwd) individual uucp logins for EACH remote system;
	e.g., `uusysx', `uusysy', etc. and block the general entries for
	`uucp' and `nuucp'.  This also gives you additional information for
	your accounting program, if you run one.

2.	Create individual entries for each remote system in the Permissions
	file, with each entry being in the combined machine/logname format.

3.	Disable the "remote.unknown" option.

==>  Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp., Clarence, New York        <==
==>  UUCP    {decvax|dual|rocksanne|rocksvax|watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry  <==
==>  VOICE   716/741-9185                {rice|shell}!baylor!/             <==
==>  FAX     716/741-9635 {G1, G2, G3 modes}    duke!ethos!/               <==
==>                                               seismo!/                 <==
==>  "Have you hugged your cat today?"           ihnp4!/                   <==

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