Raw sockets

John Ioannidis ji at garfield.columbia.edu
Fri Jan 31 06:49:17 AEST 1986

Has anybody used raw internet-domain (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW) sockets in 4.2bsd? 
Specifically, in what ways do they differ from SOCK_DGRAM sockets?
(Apart from the fact that you have to be root to use them!)
Do you have a sample program/program fragment using them?

Please respond by mail -- I'll summarize if there is enough interest.
Thanks in advance,

#include <appropriate_disclaimers>

VOICE: 	+1 212 280 5510			ARPA: ioannidis at cs.columbia.EDU
USnail:	John Ioannidis			      ji at garfield.columbia.EDU
	450 Computer Science
	Columbia University,		USENET: ...{seismo|topaz}!
	New York, NY 10027			   columbia!garfield!ji

			... It's all Greek to me!

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