Sys V.2.2 and RA81/UDA50 question

eichelbe at eichelbe at
Tue Jan 21 13:56:42 AEST 1986

	Andrew Busz <root%psddevl.uucp at BRL.ARPA> writes:

> 1) Does System V support RA81? If not would someone tell me where
> and how I can obtain a RA81 disk driver.

	I'm also interested in finding out whether RA81's with a UDA50
are supported, or if not, where driver software for the drive/controller
can be obtained.  Is software available with the AT&T Sys V.2.2 release
of the VAX UNIX for the RA81/UDA50, even though AT&T does not officially
support the drive/controller?  Let me know, too.  Thanks.
	Jon Eichelberger
	eichelbe at NADC.ARPA

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